Saturday, January 05, 2008

The Bourne Ultimatim

The third and probably final installment of the Bourne Trilogy was actually better than I expected. I've been a big fan of the series ever since I saw the first one in the theater, but I had heard that the third one wasn't as strong as the first two. I think this is probably true, but The Bourne Ultimatum is still pretty good. It ties off the storyline nicely, although there is still room for more in the Bourne storyline. But I hear that Matt Damon refuses to do another movie, which is probably wise, and without Matt Damon the movies wouldn't be half as cool. In addition to Damon, I loved the greater role given to Julia Styles. The film picks up right where the second one left off, and it does a good job of reminding forgetful viewers what happened in the first two films before it takes off on another adventure across three continents. A couple scenes, one in London's Waterloo Station and the other on the rooftops of Tangier, are absolutely thrilling. Joan Allen and David Strathairn play competing CIA officials trying to track Bourne down. Both are fine actors, although their conflicts give rise to some of the worst lines in the movie. (The screenwriters clearly have a very low opinion of the intelligence community.) All in all, this is an exciting, fun movie to watch. And if you're like me, your pulse will race a little bit as soon as the theme music starts.

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